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Prosperity Toss Salad Recipe

Prosperity Toss Salad Recipe

Salad Recipe

Ingredients :

  • 2 medium Mandarin oranges peeled
  • 2 medium Red apples
  • 1 medium Cucumber
  • 1 big Yellow Pear
  • 1 cup of shredded Red Cabbage
  • 1 cup of shredded Carrots
  • 1 cup of Pomelo pulp
  • 1/2 cup of Pomegranate pulp
  • 1/2 small Sengkuang/Turnip
  • 1/2 sprouted Mung Beans
**Shred or julienne cut apples, cucumber, pear,cabbage, carrot and turnip into fine long strips. Keep shredded or cut vegetables separate

Salad Dressing

  • Mandarin Orange juice 1 cup
  • Lemon juice 2 tbsp
  • Apple cider 1 tbsp
  • Raw Cashew nut 1/2 cup (soaked)
  • Jaggery 2 tbsp
  • Roasted sesame oil 2 tbsp
  • Salt 1/2 tsp

**Blend all ingredients above to make a liquid dressing. Add more juice to make the consistency of your preference.

Salad Toppings

  • 3 tbsp of Roasted white sesame
  • 3 tbsp of Roasted peanuts (removed skin and crushed)
  • 10 pcs of Wonton pastry ( to make crispy crackers cut into small strips and fried )
  • 1 tbsp of chopped Cilantro leaves
  • 1 tbsp of chopped Mint leaves
  • 1 tsp of Grated citrus peel (optional)


1. Arrange all shredded/cut vegetables on a big salad tossing plate.
2. Sprinkle and decorate all the toppings on to the salad
3. Drizzle the dressing on the salad
4. Use chopsticks to give it a good toss, the higher the better!
5. Make prosperous wishes to each other as you are tossing
6. Enjoy !!

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