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Sanjeevini Peanut Butter Burfi


Traditional burfis involve condensed milk and sugar with some nuts/gram flour. This burfi is a depart from tradition which involves no milk and sugar yet does not compromise in taste and its cool!

Ingredients: (Serves 8)
Peanut Butter : ¼ cup
Sanjeevini Multigrain Health Drink Mix : 4 tbsp
Coconut oil : 2 tbsp
Honey : 2 tbsp
Vanilla essence : ¼ tsp
Salt : ¼ tsp
Water : 4 tbsp


  1. Make Sanjeevini paste by mixing the Sanjeevini Health Drink Mix and water.Sanjeevini Health Drink Mix can be purchased online at IshaLife.
  2. Cook this paste on low heat for about 3 minutes. Constantly stir the paste so that lumps are not formed.
  3. Allow the Sanjeevini paste to cool.
  4. In a bowl, mix the rest of the ingredients and stir well.
  5. Grease a plate/baking sheet and pour the mixture.
  6. Place the container in the freezer and allow it to set for about an hour or more to completely harden.
  7. Remove the container from the freezer and with a sharp knife cut into squares or diamond shapes. Place the burfis in a container with a lid and store in the freezer until ready to eat.
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