Ancient Technology Of The Modern Mind
Description: Sadhguru speaks with a dispassionate and humorous evenhandedness, reminding us that the distinction between the internal and external is a trivial quibble over semantics. In both cases, the answer, he tells us, is to assume total responsibility for our lives – to take charge of the “self-start button” in order to transform our interiority: “Today, we have learned to control our climate with modern technology…Similarly, there’s a science and technology to control our inner climate.” And again: “If we don’t have peaceful human beings, having a peaceful planet is just a pipe dream.” And yet again: “Misery is always self-created.”
Sadhguru addresses the predicament of the modern mind and the modern world with unsparing precision and lucidity. As a guru, he represents a long-standing border insurgent himself – one for whom the final frontiers between life and death, matter and spirit, inner and outer lives, no longer pose any barriers.